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3 Length Balusters

The 3-Length Baluster System aligns the bottom square and the turned area of the baluster with the rake (angle) of the stairway. Balusters come with a loose bottom dowel pin and trimmed from the bottom on your job site.

5 Length Balusters

The 5 length baluster system aligns the bottom square and the turned portion of the baluster horizontally on each tread. Balusters have a fixed bottom dowel pin and should be trimmed from the top. For square top and certain pin top balusters, Oak Pointe can customize them to match your specific rise & run.


Whether you are remodeling an older staircase or installing a balustrade on a new stairway, rise and runs vary greatly from stair to stair. Because of this, no one 5-Length baluster design accomplishes the perfect alignment on every stair. When necessary, Oak Pointe will easily customize our 5-Length balusters so not only will the bottom blocks align horizontally while the square top block or, when applicable, the top detail of a pin top baluster also aligns with the rake. Supply Oak Pointe with the following information and avoid unsightly unaligned balusters.